Page name: crew manual [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-12 13:37:35
Last author: kians mummy
Owner: kians mummy
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A wiki created by [kians mummy]



This wiki was created by [kians mummy] to be a neutral ground for discussion between the crew of Elftown and regular Elftowners. Some members of the community have recently aired concerns regarding how Elftown is being run and the purpose of this wiki page is to provide a safe environment where Elftowners can communicate with the crew. They can post questions, share their experiences and help make Elftown a better place. This is not a place to bully or harass other members.

The page was not created to offend anyone, we just want the crew to know our concerns. Thank you.


We wish to enhance communication between members of the crew and regular members, and to improve the community as a whole by making the process of giving feedback run more smoothly.


A united Elftown where members feel that they can approach the crew about their concerns.


What We Expect From the Crew

1. When talking to members of Elftown
Always be respectful, it goes a long way.

2. When responding to problems a member may have
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member breaks the Uploading Art Rules, do not be too hasty in banning them. Be reasonable with people and they might not do it again.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member asks questions about how to run a wiki or use the pseudo HTML, remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Try to refrain from using sarcasm.

3. When making Elftown a safe place to be
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Harassment of other members should result in a 1 year ban.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Do not continue giving second chances to people who bring misery to others for their own enjoyment.

4. When doing your regular work
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Remember the golden rule, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.


Administrator & True Founder

[kians mummy] - Manager

General Staff

- Design/Maintainer


this page is no longer for random chat, if you want that then go to bored???, please refrain from harassing the staff of this wikipage, or other members who participate in the comment section, also please refrain from using any large text or wiki links

[djxmonster] : banned perminantly

support the guards
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This index (category) has only one listed wiki-page:

Username (or number or email):


2011-05-24 [Layre]: Ah well, I go through screen names like some people go through clothes lol. Hey Jay thanks for the house image thingy majiger nizzle ness! XD

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: Thanks for not sending me a relation lol j/k I know your rarely on here so I understand. Your welcome ^_^

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: So wait... I was banned for a poll that was made outside of this wiki???


2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: [Mystin] thanks for banning him

[djxmonster] you was banned for being insulting and doing these polls what are insulting, when you wish to chat on this wiki later then i will un ban you if you will behave, but you will get one chance before you are banned for good

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: XD
I love that you think you have some kind of power...

Am I allowed to respond to comments?? :P

2011-05-24 [Alexi Ice]: Note; [djxmonster] you were banned for being insulting and doing these polls which are insulting. When you wish to chat on this wiki later then I will un-ban you if you will behave, but you will get one chance before you are banned for good.

That sentence still looks confusing come-to-think-of it. Something about 'doing these polls which are insulting' but I can't figure out what seems to be wrong with it...

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: Thanks [Alexi Ice], I was having trouble with the translation

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: [djxmonster] i do have the power to stop you commenting on my wiki if i don't want you to, all members have that power, now you have been barred off all my wikis accept bored??? for good, please stop commenting

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: [Alexi Ice], all this being sarcastic and all this stuff only shows the crew up, and they will blame it on you.

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Hmmm . . . that seems rather harsh. Does all this bold-font text help your cause? I'm just trying to appeal to reason.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: it helps people listen

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Really? It deafens and repels. I know from experience, when there used to be zero protection from unwelcome people. (This is going back to around 2004-5). The crew would say, "Oh, everyone has a right to their opinion," and completely turn their backs on/backstab the very people (including myself) who were trying to help them through Patrolling and such. This is how I learned to become a garden-variety troll myself, when I returned the favor. There was much bold-faced screaming and yelling which in hindsight was pretty ridiculous because nothing was accomplished. Thankfully, people were gradually given more power over their wikis. And nowadays I couldn't be bothered with the various fonts, unless of course it's being done for aesthetic purposes. Consider what happens when an inspiring quote is put into obnoxious fonts:

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!" ---Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]:

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!" ---Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: See what I mean? Just say what you mean, say it well, and the font size won't matter because the power is in the writing itself.

2011-05-24 [windowframe]: I have to say I don't find any of those obnoxious, but I would find this obnoxious: [wE hAvE nOtHiNg To FeAr, bUt FeAr ItSeLf] (it would be even worse if some of the characters were replaced with foreign characters/symbols (e.g. if the w was replaced by an omega and the b by a beta, etc.) but I'm too lazy to do that :P

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Yep, and I admit I initially misquoted FDR with "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!". Shame on me :x

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: Ok, I'll stop commenting then

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: XD

2011-05-24 [Donate to Elftown!]: What's the point of this page?

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: (This page is currently being edited by [djxmonster] and is not editable right now.)

if you do not get off, i will be reporting you

2011-05-24 [djxmonster]: Reporting me for what?

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: because you tried to edit the wiki when you know you are not even wanted on here as you are as bad as turkey and penguin, you chose to put yourself in that posistion, this wiki is to help people with problems, you are one of the problems elftown doesn't need

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: i like the new look. :)

2011-05-24 [ally]: This seems to be a constructive wiki but remember that the golden rule you have there works both ways.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: yeah, very true

2011-05-24 [Akayume]: Sammie, I'm already watching (as can be seen from my comments). There's no need to invite me, but thanks. (:

2011-05-24 [Mortified Penguin]: I was invited. I can only take that to mean I'm not banned anymore.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: Will you behave then?

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: Under 'what' change the spelling of herrass to harass and it's perfect. I don't mind if you make changes. I just want it to send the same message. Very good.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: Can you change it

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: No, you have it on owner only

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: same sentence as the harass typo is in, you have about spelled "abot", and "a lot" should be 2 separate words. might want to change those while you're changing the other one.

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: Yay a helpful comment for once.

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: hey, i try to be helpful like that all the time, but it usually leads to a fight.

2011-05-24 [Chimes]: Similar vein of helpfulness: Same sentence, first word isn't capitalised. :)

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: I gave you the password

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: i missed that one, wonder why? XD

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: I'm sorry I wasn't familiar with the format, fixed.

2011-05-24 [Alexi Ice]: Actually, Sammie, I believe that assisting people with proper grammar/spelling is helpful. You attempt to do it on the crew pages as well and I assume you are being helpful to, yes? I find it easier to realize I am making a mistake when someone reprimands me for it because I'm a visual type of learner. I assure you I am not being 'sarcastic'. When I first joined this site people told me about spelling and grammar a number of times until I got a browser that fixed spelling mistakes itself. ^^ Just makes things easier.

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: If you want to know more about me Ask Mystin & also to avoid too much random chat on this wiki. :-)

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: wait, why'd my comment get deleted?

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: I'm not in charge of deleting comments, you would have to ask [kians mummy]

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: i was just throwing the question out there so that whoever deleted it could answer. might have been someone else deleted it too, i'm just curious as to why. :/

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: What was the question?

2011-05-24 [Alexi Ice]: Who deleted her comment ^^

2011-05-24 [Alexi Ice]: The new layout format is pretty. Though it might be a little better if you tweaked the first paragraph;

This wiki was created by [kians mummy] & [Mystin] to be a neutral ground for discussion between the crew of Elftown and regular Elftowners. Some members of the community have recently aired concerns regarding how Elftown is being run, and the purpose of this wikipage is to provide a safe environment where Elftowners can communicate with the crew, where they can post questions, share their experiences, and help make Elftown a better place. This is not a place to bully members or harass( Harass people, maybe? or do you mean harass Sammie H in which the comma is not necessary ), [kians mummy] is serious about a lot of stuff, and that's because that is the way she is, and if you take offence to it or you think it's funny, then deal with it, she doesn't have an attitude problem, you have a problem with her attitude, if you don't like the way she is *opens the door*, then walk out now. ( The last sentence is a fairly massive run on. I would place at least two periods somewhere in there.) Anyway! I like the added links at the bottom too.

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: Well I just provided the graphics, [kians mummy] did the layout.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: [Alexi Ice] you can correct it if you wish, i will give you the password if you want it, pm me if so, and if you want to be a supporter then add yourself

2011-05-24 [Mortified Penguin]: She doesn't need the password, since she's a crew member.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: oh yeah lol, i forgot

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Even if you don't like the Firefox browser, you can use it to instantly prompt spelling errors as you type text. Just a friendly suggestion.

2011-05-24 [Flisky]: You know, not all the crew have the privs to do instantly have access to passworded pages. :P (If you read at privs, you will see that wiki boss privs are higher than crew privs.) Just letting you know so that you don't assume we all have that power.

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Also, I guess the "pre", "h1", "h2" and "HUGE" fonts of FDR's famous quote were annoying enough to be deleted by the wiki owner. I rest my case about that, then ^_~

2011-05-24 [hanhepi]: i was just fixin to point that out Flisky. i still don't have wiki privs like that. :(

and still i don't know why my comment earlier was deleted. at least PM me with the info. if i fucked up, i'd like to know how, so i don't repeat the same mistake.

2011-05-24 [kians mummy]: send the message again, i don't know what happend to it

2011-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: Hmmm . . . what's with these "ask me/all about me" wikis popping up like little mushrooms? Fine. This one predates them by several geological Internet eons: Ask Pauly the Anthro-Dragon! :P

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: I am not afraid to speak out, thus reason for only having 2 relations and so let me just say this: Speaking for Crew Manual, our wiki is about a conversation. It is not to offend anyone or say that we could run Elftown better. Any wiki deeming that it is about this has misread the context of our wiki. Thanks.

2011-05-24 [Alexi Ice]: Kk i will fix it when i get back to my cp

2011-05-24 [Mystin]: I can't even read that.

2011-05-24 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: I was interested until I go to about "[kians mummy] is serious about a lot of stuff" and beyond. Taking that out would actually benefit this wiki and take the idea off of Sammy and whatever it is she plans to accomplish with this. Take the victimization of self out, and you've got a nice idea.

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: It's not up to me to change the layout.

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Excuse, excuses . . . :P

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: I don't make any changes without [kians mummy] permission.

2011-05-25 [Mortified Penguin]: You did yesterday.

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Touche!

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: I submit grapics and if she wants to use them awesome, if's gravy.

2011-05-25 [Lord Josmar]: I think I like the original layout better, really caught the eye. This one doesnt scream "READ ME!" in my opinion. But since it isnt my wiki y'all can do what looks good to you. I know I would.

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: Ok, fixed some of the grammar mistakes. Remember; commas are not necessary before 'and'. And always capitalize the beginning of a sentence! <3

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: I agree with what Rainbow says as well.

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: At least that horrendous Elfpackish red text is gone now. That generally is a deterrent to anyone taking this page seriously. The presentation is much sharper. Now, if only the "silent masses" supporting this page's message would roll forward from the shadows, and show us skeptics why the questionable protests of two people should be taken seriously? Where are you guys? Make yourselves known and rally to the defense of Sammie and Mystie ;-)

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: Wheeee!

2011-05-25 [Mortified Penguin]: I feel a little slighted here.

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: I'm referring to the original message of this wiki which was anything but "neutral", and in the same snarky, annoying "I'm so totally anti-crew but when the hell am I gonna become crew anyway?" tone as all of those forum postings and official wiki comments. For those people who are new to this wiki and wonder why there's such a fuss over a page that's seemingly downright bland (and something of an Assembly ripoff!), go back to the first couple dozen of wiki-versions. You'll see.

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: [Alexi Ice] thanks

[Paul Doyle] thanks, and why did you add me on facebook

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: [Mortified Penguin]: why do you?

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: I didn't add you on FB o__O

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: I don't add people on FB anymore, unless I know who they are. I've gradually whittled my FB friend list from about 1350 to 444, with more still to come since I no longer play "Mafia Wars" or any of those games where you make fake FB friends to succeed in the games. The only "Sammie/Samantha" I have is a former co-worker, and I haven't heard from her in ages.

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Anyway, I don't know who told you that, or where you got your information from. And remember, on Facebook you have to accept friend-requests, reserving the right to defer the friend requests, to reject them entirely, or to block the person making the request.

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: yes you did, and my fiance and i did block it

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Um . . . no. Please provide some evidence (screenshots, etc.) I will not comment further about your accusation until I see these.

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: I thought he was your fiancés?

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: can't find it now, it donesn't matter

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: i sometimes call him my bf as its quick to type it

2011-05-25 [hanhepi]: you don't have a link to it in your house anywhere that i can see, or an email address other than the one for sheriffs of elftown, or your last name, so i'm not sure how anyone could find you on facebook from here.

Paul on the other hand, does link to his facebook account, and has his last name up. a quick search for "paul doyle" on facebook returned a bazillion results too, so it's possible it was a different Paul Doyle.

and holy crap pauly, you had over 1000 friends on there? i was just all proud of myself for having over 100. XD

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Han, I've got more than a hundred co-workers and ex-coworkers on my FB, plus people from school back in the day. Along with the ET peeps, some other cool people, and even a few well-known SF/F writers+artists though I don't know any of them personally.

2011-05-25 [hanhepi]: i've got ex-coworkers (ok, so they're also family. lol), family, people from here, and random strangers who play zooworld. XD

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: My FB account is rather distinctive, by the way, not in terms of prestige or anything, but merely how it sticks out from all those various anonymous profiles that don't have photos or info on them.

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: Considering I've done more for this wiki than you I really don't like the part saying true founder. Just sayin.

2011-05-25 [kians mummy]: is that better X)

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: Much

2011-05-25 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: -unwatches-

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: Is that like saying unsubscribed? If so, no one cares.

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: *Snorts* Unrest among the masses!

Your welcome, Sammie

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: That isn't very nice, Mystin. Rainbow is one of those 'normal' members you and Sammie are trying to help.

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: It wasn't nice for her to say that either, you can stop watching a wiki without announcing it to everyone.

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: But maybe people would wonder why she suddenly stopped commenting?

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: Well I still see it as unnecessary but I see your point.

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: XD

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: I don't watch your wiki, so why are you watching ours?

2011-05-25 [Flisky]: dj is unbanned, remember? Just like everyone is unbanned over there. ^_^ You should all just get along.

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: I'm sorry but you don't tell me how to act or what to say, k? Thanx.

2011-05-25 [Flisky]:, that was harsh. I wasn't telling you to do anything. I was actually being nice. But you want to throw blows? That's fine too.

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: Wow, again. That was completely and unnecessarily rude. For someone that wants to be a bridge between people you are not very inviting or pleasant. Treating people, even people you don't like, kindly is a necessary life skill. Especially for people looking to do the kind of thing this wiki represents. If you continue to run off people like rainbow and be rude to Flisky who has not EVER been rude like a few of the other people on here you will be sabotaging Sammie's wiki and will be taken less seriously.

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: 2 things. 1) didn't run her off and good riddance anyway cause she wasn't contributing anything. 2) I didn't unban dj and he shouldn't be because that trash of a wiki he made is still active. I hope this clears the air. <3 YOU ALL.

2011-05-25 [Alexi Ice]: But he IS unbanned and therefore should be treated kindly. Everyone needs to follow the golden rule, remember? There are two ways to treat people you don't like. 1.) kill them with kindness or 2.) be an asshole. You really can't go wrong with one and with two your breaking a rule. I'm just saying as a supporter of this wiki you should follow your own code of conduct before jumping on people unnecessarily. It's just not nice, you know?

2011-05-25 [hanhepi]: uh 2 rebuttals:
1)the wiki says, (and i quote) [djxmonster] you are unbanned, lets not make the same mistakes again, so he has been unbanned.
2) considering [Flisky] is crew, and this wiki claims to want to be a bridge between crew and "regular" members, perhaps alienating some crew directly and others indirectly with your attitude is a bad idea.

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: again: xD

2011-05-25 [Mystin]: -

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: mysties manual


2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: Somebody needs a hug

2011-05-25 [Mortified Penguin]: Is... is it me?

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: yes

2011-05-25 [Paul Doyle]: Wow, what a cop-out.

2011-05-25 [djxmonster]: <blog:1136117>

2011-05-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: *rolls eyes* good grief

2011-05-25 [Mortified Penguin]: Calm down, Charlie Brown.

2011-05-26 [XxTsomexX]: Holy shit, talk about drama. Sammie, why did you invite me here...?

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: (Run for it, Tsome!)

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: I tried to give you a hug Mort! You killed me instead ~ LOL

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: Run Tsome! !

2011-05-26 [XxTsomexX]: I probably should Mort XD buuuut I love the fact that she left (chickened out)

2011-05-26 [There Is No Cure]: What is this? I am a bit confused

2011-05-26 [Akayume]: Well, some people decided they didn't like the way the council was running, or how the members were treating them, so they decided to create a wiki to talk about it.

However, at this point it seems to have degraded into people trolling, nonsense, and lots of hurt feelings. :/

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: ...your right, lemon cake rocks [XxTsomexX] YUM!

2011-05-26 [There Is No Cure]: They have some form of 'council' on most online communities. Though they are mostly called Moderators.

Also - what does trolling mean?

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: Actually, Elftown's mods are the guards. The council is more closely related to janitors. They're basically mod wannabes with less privs.

2011-05-26 [There Is No Cure]: What are privs?

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: Privs are priveleges granted to members that allow them to do certain things.

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: God powerz!

2011-05-26 [Akayume]: Well, some guards are actually council members. (: And personally, I don't want to be a guard. I am fine where I am. The "ultimate goal" of being on council is not to be a guard, but to help Elftown! (:

According to, trolling is, "Being a prick on the internet because you can".

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: I'm apathetic about guard positions...I would probably make a terrible guard anyway. LOL.

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: @ [Alexi Ice] Wrong, you would be amazing! <3

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: Better than [windowframe] even!

2011-05-26 [There Is No Cure]: Is there a rules page here?

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: Thank you, Mystin <3 *hug*

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: You mean like Elftown - Rules? Or are you talking about rules for this wiki?

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: ^_^ Course!

2011-05-26 [There Is No Cure]: General rules! Thank you!

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: Sammie is going to be sad that you're gone

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: I don't know if sad equals angry and annoyed, but basically I was failing my duties here and I think she's a lot more successful without me.

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: How so?

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: [kians mummy] is a fighter and she will continue on stronger and do great things. I didn't fulfill my duties well because the opposing wiki got the best of me and I couldn't contribute fully to this wiki because of some things I see as unavoidable within a long range of personalities. It is all explained better in my diary, but basically I was hurting the wiki with negativity.

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: I read your diary ^^ And negativity is easily reversed, you know! You have done a lot of good things for this place and made it more passive and less like a bashing revolution. It's actually respectable now and you are as much to thank for that as Sammie

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: I said I wasn't gonna cry...

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: *Hugs* It's ok to cry!

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: I wanted so badly for this wiki to work and all it did was get people to turn on me. I came back to ET after almost 1000 days to make a real difference and to have all these wikis against us and people personally attacking me just didn't sit well. The way in which they dealt with our wiki was completely wrong and like I said in my diary I come here to get away not to cause drama. I'm upset with myself that I couldn't do more to let people see our perspective and listen instead of be ready to criticize and more upset for letting [kians mummy] down.

2011-05-26 [Akayume]: You didn't let anyone down. (:

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: I did and worst of all, I let myself down the most because I've had a wiki like this before and people actually listened then. This time it was like a sinking ship.

2011-05-26 [Akayume]: Well, you came when it was sinking already. You didn't sink it yourself, though. (:

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: This wiki is working though, more than it was before you showed up. It takes a while to learn to take trolling and rude behavior in stride. The easiest thing to do is laugh it off or play with them (you will soon find that option is actually quite fun. That way you don't have to give up on the things you strongly believe in and they are less likely to hurt your feelings in the future! ^^

2011-05-26 [Mortified Penguin]: The only people active on Elftown these days are crew members and their boyfriends (since the crew is just one big chick fest basically). You can't really expect a wiki like this to flourish, since most of the people that would have been in support of this type of wiki are long gone.

2011-05-26 [Mystin]: Yeah well for the time being I'm done with my part on this wiki. Have a good night. [kians mummy] please do not end relations with me or do anything drastic. I appreciate you and I don't want to lose you. <3 jay.

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: If that is what you wish, I am just sad to see you go.

Hey, Mort! We are all Hedda's concubines. Everyone knows that.

2011-05-26 [Layre]: Sorry [kians mummy], it's just not the same w/o Jay.

2011-05-26 [Paul Doyle]: (Roger Waters lyrics, of course.) Pink Floyd should reunite and record a concept album about this wiki-page. In the meantime . . .

Goodbye, cruel world
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye, all you people
There's nothing you can say
To make me change my mind

2011-05-26 [kians mummy]: its iok, i can work on this by myself, X), if anyone wants to help on here, feel free to pm me

2011-05-26 [Paul Doyle]: See, this many well-known/semi-well known people don't randomly troll at the drop of a hat. For several months the owner of this wiki has been making exceptionally loaded/nasty statements about the crew for some time, for seemingly no reason. Consider:;year1=2001&month1=1&amp;day1=1&;year2=2011&amp;month2=5&;day2=26&x=33&y=18
In particular, the thread starting with [686180].

Also, go through the comments of guards, patrollers and council and you'll see what I mean as well. (And there's probably other "official" wikis with similar comments.) There has been a great deal of unintentional entertainment, but there's been (more important) a great deal of unwarranted slander and unreasonable demands against the current crew---who honestly haven't done anything wrong! a lot of us have been friends, or have goodwill, to the people on the current crew. Frankly, by comparison to some of the people who've been active Council members in the past, their shit doesn't stink that much at all. So people get irritated, then rightly pissed off at the ongoing nonsense.

Reap what you sow!

If this comment is not deleted, it will be the final comment I make on this wiki (unless someone specifically addresses me, of course). Not because anyone told me to do so, but because it's time to move along and leave this page to its fate.

If the comment IS deleted, I will repost it and keep making new comments as well ;-)

2011-05-26 [kians mummy]: i'm not going to delete the comment, as it is useful, and i get where you are coming from, but the crew are sometimes over powerful and too busy to realise it, i get like that, they are only human, this wiki is just basically to teach the crew how to control there power, and keep hold of it.

not for once have i ment that they are bad at there job, as they are very good at it, thats why i want tom work for the crew, they are very good at running elftown, yes there will be a few bullets flying all over the place, but in the long hold, they can control them, if people come to this wiki or pm me with a problem, i will do the best i can to help them, i have not done this wiki to offend the crew, i have done it to help them, as its a place where people can come to when they have something to say about the crew

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: Where is your proof Sammie? A good argument involves proof.

2011-05-26 [Alexi Ice]: 'not for once have i doubted that they are bad at there job'

That's the same as saying 'they are bad at their job.'

2011-05-26 [ally]: xD

2011-05-27 [kians mummy]: there

2011-05-28 [Doormat]: Probably the most hilarious collection of comments I've seen in awhile.

The drama... and oh the humanity!

2011-05-28 [kians mummy]: lol, i know

2011-05-29 [kians mummy]: Ok, you have my permission to unban him x)

2011-05-29 [Mortified Penguin]: *bursts in* WHEEEE!! HOOOKKKAAAAAARRSS!! *throws Viagra around*

2011-05-30 [Lord Josmar]: Hmm, good ol' Mort. Off his meds as usual...

2011-05-30 [Mortified Penguin]: ......*eats chinese food*.......

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: Ramen?

2011-05-30 [Mortified Penguin]: CHINESE FOOD.

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: ...Ramen?

2011-05-30 [Mortified Penguin]: CHI. NESE. FOOD.

You gotta study up on your Morticulture: freakin' sweet.

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: Chi? <img:>

2011-05-30 [Doormat]: What's going on here? I'm really interested. <img:>

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: My cat likes to lay in baskets too. :3

2011-05-30 [Lord Josmar]: ....I dont have a cat... :'(

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: Get one?

2011-05-30 [Lord Josmar]: Cant. Hafta pay a $150 safety deposit before I could get one.

2011-05-30 [Akayume]: :( Awe.

2011-05-30 [Lord Josmar]: I know. But by October I should be in a house of my own and I can become the crazy cat guy!

2011-06-05 [djxmonster]: Go away

2011-06-05 [Alexi Ice]: *Coughs violently*

I think the conversation died because no one be honest...>>

2011-06-06 [Doormat]: We must go deeper.


2011-06-06 [Akayume]: :O :O :O

2011-06-06 [Alexi Ice]: That's what she said!

2011-06-06 [Akayume]: I have a really funny picture of cats and inception.. I can't find it though. :S

2011-06-06 [Doormat]: Dis? <img:>

Also, WP Akane.

2011-06-06 [Alexi Ice]: OMG! SO CUTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!!!

2011-06-06 [Alexi Ice]: <img:>



2011-06-06 [Mystin]: Are you guys trying to cover up my message?

2011-06-06 [Akayume]: YES! That first picture Akanee!!! :D *lubs you*

No? o.o I don't think anyone said that.

2011-06-06 [Doormat]: Yes. I'm out to cover all your massages.

Wait, what?

2011-06-06 [Akayume]: I didn't see yours [Doormat]. That is the lols as well. (:

2011-06-06 [Alexi Ice]: Tea time?

2011-06-06 [Mystin]: Sure.....

2011-06-06 [Alexi Ice]: Green tea or black?

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